Abuse does not discriminate!

When it comes to abuse and the negative impact it as have in the lives of individuals who have suffered one form or another, it always leaves the individual feeling, sad, confused, hopeless, worthless, unloved, and crippled with fear. The impact of abuse changes the very DNA of a person life, who they once were will forever be changed after experiencing some form of abuse and without proper treatment like counseling, support groups, and loving families some individuals might propel into depression or negative lifestyle of drug and alcohol. One thing for sure abuse does not discriminate. According to the American Society for the Positive Care of Children, abuse of children took place at all socioeconomic levels regardless of education levels, religions ethnic or cultural groups. American SPCC states that it received 4.1 million reports concerning the mistreatment of children also, noting that the highest percent of abuse 24.8% per 1,000 happen to children under age one. Additional, abuse of children under the age of 3 stands at 28.5% which is more than one-quarter of child abuse that was reported, also the highest percentage of child fatalities happens due to neglect, boys account for the highest level of child fatalities. Most children are abused or neglected by someone they knew, parent, family members, or family friends. Women are the leading perpetrators of child abuse, with 53.7% followed by men at 45.3%; perpetrators are between the ages of 18 to 44 years old. It is devastating to know that the very adult who should be loving, caring, and protective to children are the very ones responsible for causing harm that can continue for a significant period of time without any remorse from the perpetrator.

A 2016 Statista, report of child abuse by race outline that African American, American Indian or Alaska Native account for the highest percentage of child abuse cases followed by Multiple races, Pacific Islander, White, Hispanic, and Asian. Regardless of a child race, culture, or socioeconomic status, abuse is unaccepted and should always be reported, in order to ensure that venerable children do not continue to live in unhealthy conditions.
Love always,
American Society for the Positive Care of Children